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Why spend days arranging meetings and huge amounts of time and money visiting prospective clients? WMX Asia provides you with a unique platform to put your brand in front of 200 senior-level executives to discuss matters core to their business and to potentially win their business. We provides an unmissable opportunity to showcase your products and solutions to key decision-makers from potential clients with real spending power. Our sponsorship packages can be tailored to fit your marketing needs so contact us to see how we can complement your existing marketing plans.

Thought Leadership
- Panel Discussions: Participate in interactive discussion between industry leaders and the audience and answer burning delegate questions.
- Content Distribution: Engage the audience pre or post event through distributing expert content (such as a whitepaper or a report) to reinforce your thought leadership.
Targeted Networking
- Exhibition Booth: Showcase your product or solution to the audience throughout networking breaks in the exhibition hall, with the freedom to create a space as desired to stand out.
- 1-to-1 introductions: Our team will be more than happy to help you identify and connect with any of the brands you would like to meet on site with personal introductions.
- Intimate Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner: Take networking out of the conference room, inviting a select group of delegates to an offsite function before, during or after the event, with freedom to style as desired.
- App sponsorship: Position your brand on our conference app with links to your content, branding and thought leadership.

Brand Presence
- Conference Essentials Sponsorship: What does everyone need at a conference? Wifi, phone and laptop charging stations, delegate lists, the online event showguide, water bottles, coffee – make sure no-one forgets your brand!
- Branded Merchandise: Introduce or reinforce your brand amongst conference attendees by branding conference materials, such as delegate bags, lanyards, folios, pens, umbrellas, hats – the possibilities are endless!
- Brand a Networking Session: With the freedom to style as desired, take over a coffee break or networking drinks – from branded coffee cups, cocktails, cupcakes, raffles and giveaways – what do you want your brand associated with?
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